What is the Disgust Project?

"…she tends to be fascinated and nauseated, to probe the object and to shun it, to look and to look away"
- Julian Hanich, Dis/liking Disgust

As a lover of extreme cinema and disturbing movies, I've developed an interest in disgust. Why do certain things disgust us? Why do some people enjoy experiencing disgust, in the context of film? Why are horror movies that focus more on disgust than fear seen as "low brow"? What are the ways disgust influences our politics, and the ways we treat marginalized or outsider groups?

In the future, I'm planning to compile all of this into one big project. But in the meantime, while I'm still in the research phase, feel free to take a look through my sources, and read some of my thoughts on this subject.


I Am Not an Animal: Mortality Salience, Disgust, and the Denial of Human Creatureliness

Psychology of Human Emotion: An Open Access Textbook (Disgust Chapter)

Disgust Scale - Revised

Dis/liking Disgust: the revulsion experience at the movies

Toward a Poetics of Cinematic Disgust

art by @quezify on Tumblr. Check out the rest of their Hematophagia series.